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Catrin Skött

Vedic Art course 6 Days SEK 5900. New Studio at Björngårdsgatan 7.

Vedic Art course 6 Days SEK 5900. New Studio at Björngårdsgatan 7.

ID: 90222

Regular price 1 000 SEK
Regular price Sale price 1 000 SEK
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Kursinformation Vedic Art

Grundkursen är en veckokurs 6 dagar/30 timmar med allt på en gång. Deltagare som går fortsättningskurs vid samma tillfälle får separat tid för genomgång av fördjupat material. Även den är 6 dagar/30 timmar.
Tider för kursen är mellan kl 10.00 – 16.00.
Kursstart 10.00 Vi börjar med fika och information. Kursdagen slutar kl 16.00
Lunch ca 12.30 tag med egen lunch.
Detta ingår: Kaffe, te, fikabröd.

Att ha med sig: Det är bra att ha sitt måleri material redo när du vill måla hemma efter kursen därför ber jag dig att ta med dig dina egna saker. Men allt finns att låna/använda för en kostnad av 400 kr som betalas här i kundkorgen eller på plats. Inklusive målarduk 100x140 cm.

* Blyertspennor
* Vitt A4-papper ca 20 st
* Skissblock minst A4
* Ouppspänd duk alternativt tapetrulle till att klippa till eget format. Målarduk av bomullsmix från art of veda finns även att köpa för 200:-/m. Vi målar på duk därför att underlaget är starkt och tåligt. Här kan man måla över, skrapa och rispa utan att underlaget går sönder eller bucklar sig. Du köper duken per meter men kan naturligtvis klippa till olika storlekar precis som du vill. Vi provar att måla både stort och smått under veckan. 
* Anteckningsblock
* Valfria färgkritor och färgpennor
* Akrylfärger.
* Färgpalett eller plastade papperstallrikar att blanda färg på
* Penslar i olika storlekar
* Maskeringstejp
* Svampar att måla med 
* Oömma kläder alt. förkläde att måla i.

Registration fee payment Vedic Art

Price: course 6 days SEK 5500. You pay your registration fee of SEK 1,000 at the time of booking and the remaining SEK 4,500 is paid on site at the start of the course. The registration fee is not refundable because I have so few course places, but if you can find a replacement, they can pay you the amount and thus take over your booking.

About Vedic Art

In Vedic Art, Indian life principles are linked to the traditional school of painting and become a method, a path where painting and life go together.
For those who have already painted before, Vedic Art becomes an opportunity to deeply let go of the performance and instead relax in the creation. Let creation take care of itself! For those who have never painted before, the pleasant discovery awaits that creation comes from within.
Vedic Art is not about painting or painting in a special way. Nor is it linked to an evaluation of what appears on the screen. The chain of principles aims to guide us towards the personal, the very own expression!
The multi-thousand-year-old Vedic knowledge in India has many branches on its tree. For more than 30 years, the artist Curt Källman has nurtured one branch in particular, art. Curt is a traditionally trained artist at the Gerlesborg School in 1963 and at the Art Academy in Stockholm 1964-69.
In February 1988, Curt Källman established the Vedic Art School at Bosjökloster Castle in Höör. But it was already in 1974 that he received the 17 Vedic principles from the Maharishi, the well-known "Beatles yogi" and the founder of TM, Transcendental Meditation, who then asked Curt to lay a foundation for teaching the principles. And the Maharishi emphasized that it must be a stable foundation, it must last at least 2000 years…. So in 1988 that foundation was laid and teaching could begin.
Vedic Art is a way to achieve higher consciousness through art creation, a creation beyond performance and technical requirements.
"When we stand in front of a white canvas and are about to start painting, we might think "I don't have enough knowledge to express myself in pictures. I have to learn technique first, I have to practice”. Then we can ask ourselves the question: “Did the great Creator need to practice on another creation first before creating the universe? says Curt Källman
What does it mean to paint yourself to a higher consciousness? What is Vedic Art really good for, in a larger perspective?
"The brushes in the sky and the feet on the earth"- Achieving higher consciousness and going into yourself does not mean distancing yourself from everyday life, on the contrary. We take our increased consciousness into everyday life, among people, that's where it should be useful. Many talk about the new age, about a paradigm shift. But we ourselves have a responsibility to manage this shift, it is not possible without our participation. It is about our life.
Read more about Curt Källman and Vedic Art at

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Vedic Art

In Vedic Art, Indian life principles are linked to the traditional school of painting and become a method, a path where painting and life go together.

Vedic Art is not about painting or painting in a special way. Nor is it linked to an evaluation of what appears on the screen. The chain of principles aims to guide us towards the personal, the very own expression!

The multi-thousand-year-old Vedic knowledge in India has many branches on its tree. For more than 30 years, the artist Curt Källman has nurtured one branch in particular, art. Curt is a traditionally trained artist at the Gerlesborg School in 1963 and at the Art Academy in Stockholm 1964-69.

In February 1988, Curt Källman established the Vedic Art School at Bosjökloster Castle in Höör. But it was already in 1974 that he received the 17 Vedic principles from the Maharishi, the well-known "Beatles yogi" and the founder of TM, Transcendental Meditation, who then asked Curt to lay a foundation for teaching the principles. And the Maharishi emphasized that it must be a stable foundation, it must last at least 2000 years…. So in 1988 that foundation was laid and teaching could begin.

Vedic Art is a way to achieve higher consciousness through art creation, a creation beyond performance and technical requirements.

"When we stand in front of a white canvas and are about to start painting, we might think "I don't have enough knowledge to express myself in pictures. I have to learn technique first, I have to practice”. Then we can ask ourselves the question: "Did the great Creator need to practice on another creation first before creating the universe?"
says Curt Källman.

What does it mean to paint yourself to a higher consciousness? What is Vedic Art really good for, in a larger perspective?

"The brushes in the sky and the feet on the earth" - Achieving higher consciousness and going into oneself does not mean distancing oneself from everyday life, on the contrary. We take our increased consciousness into everyday life, among people, that's where it should be useful. Many talk about the new age, about a paradigm shift. But we ourselves have a responsibility to manage this shift, it is not possible without our participation. It is about our life.